09 August 2007


So, this is the site I will be using in China to do (what I plan on being) a daily blog. I'll jot some things down about what's happening and how I'm doing, as well as thoughts about any other random thing I feel like talking about. If you want to send me personal messages and things like that, go to my facebook or myspace. But, please feel free to leave lots and lots of comments about the blogs and stay in touch!



  1. Okay- you are on the plane to China - surely you've blogged SOMETHING by now! A good sign, a hilarious picture, a spicy nodle with chickenhead?? Give me something....

  2. Ben
    Glad that you are there and finally able to post a message. Hope you can get the internet in your room going soon. I am supposed to get my new laptop around Sept 15th. Didn't realize it was so HOT there! Hope you have A/C in the dorm.
    I found a website (whatsonxiamen.com) that has a lot of interesting info on it. It said that there is a Sunday afternoon church service at a local Protestant church 4-6PM--you ought to check it out.
    Well, think "cool" and stay flexible. We check your blog each day...
    Pop and Bama


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